Friday, March 30, 2012

What I would buy if I won the lottery...

I bought $5 worth of lottery tickets today, and I fully intend on taking home $640 million so if you bought a ticket, I'm sorry to say that you're just not going to win. When I win, and after I pay off my student loans and buy a house for my parents, here's what I'll be purchasing...

A house with a decked out man cave... Audi R8...

...a tiger...

...a sweet helicopter...

...the Milwaukee Brewers...
...a personal chef...

...and a ski mountain. Could I get all of that for roughly $300 million? I don't see why not.

Monday, March 26, 2012


In the NBA, when a player doesn't play, it's normally for a pretty decent reason. Ankle sprains, broken wrists, bereavement name it. Tim Duncan, who is universally respected as one of the greatest players of all time, recently turned 36 years old, and it appears that his longtime coach, Gregg Popovich, had some fun with him. You see, since it is a condensed season, many coaches are giving veterans the occasional night off, sometimes known as a DNP, or "Did not play". A lot of times they'll write down some b.s. excuse, like a nagging hamstring injury, but Popovich just told it like it is. Duncan's reason for not playing? DNP-Old.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A little perky there, Donald?

Is the job worth it?

I came across this article, where some employers are asking job applicants to hand over their Facebook passwords as a part of the interview process. Apparently these employers are not content simply seeking out the Facebook page, but they want to get a look "under the hood" and read messages and check out more of what that applicant is all about. Sounds like an egregious invasion of privacy, but if your dream job came calling, would you let them have a look-see at your account?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What's Going to Happen to Peyton Manning?

What is it with Hall of Fame quarterbacks in the NFL? It seems that they hardly ever get to end their careers how they'd like, even if they have been some of the most popular and proficient players in the most popular league in America for over a decade. Peyton Manning's release from the Colts today is just another in the long line of QB's who have unceremoniously left the teams that they have called home thier whole career. Johnny Unitas, Joe Montana, Brett Favre all found new teams. Troy Aikman suffered injury and couldn't continue. And hell, even Drew Brees is struggling to get a contract from the Saints. It will be interesting to see where Peyton ends up. My money is on Dan Snyder's money in Washington.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tornado Survivors

Sometimes you gotta just be amazed at the human body. 

IndyMomTornado.jpgStephanie Decker, left, a 36-year old mother from Indiana, selflessly threw her body over her two children to help shield them from the tornado that struck that state last Thursday.

Her children survived unscathed, and, as this link says, Decker was being hit by "pillars, beams, furniture, everything was just slamming into my back." She survived as well, but will have to have part of both of her legs amputated. It's a miracle that all three survived.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Movie Theatre Madness

I don't like paying $7 for a popcorn at the movie theatre. Nobody does. But you kind of figure, you want it so bad when you're watching the movie, you shell out a little extra. I'm just as guilty as all of you of sneaking in snacks every once of a while, but suing the theatre after you get caught? Might be a little much.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Il mio nome è Giancarlo

From now on, you can call me Giancarlo.

If you're a baseball fan, you might be familiar with the exploits of the rightfielder formerly known as Mike Stanton, a slugger for the Miami Marlins. He's a man's man (not unlike myself), standing 6-foot-5 and weighing 250 pounds. He also hits baseballs really really far.

Well he's gone as Mike for the majority of his professional career. According to an article here, "His mom calls him Cruz. Teammates call him Bigfoot." But his full name, according to the article, is "Giancarlo Cruz Michael Stanton. He's not Italian, and Giancarlo isn't a family name -- his parents just liked it."

So here's the question. If you had the option to go as Giancarlo or Mike, which would you choose?