Well, this story stinks.
Via the Hull Daily Mail (in the UK):
A MAN who claims he is abused because he is a dwarf has been warned by a judge he could be jailed after a dirty protest in a Hull council office.
Ian Salter-Bromley, 54, exposed himself and spread excrement and urine in the main reception and toilets of Hull's Wilson Centre after he went in to complain, Hull Crown Court heard.
Salter-Bromley, who is 4ft, outraged staff on two separate visits, pulling his arm back as if to punch a female receptionist and telling an Asian man: "You should go back to your own country."
Salter-Bromley appeared at court for sentencing after being found guilty of being in contempt of a court injunction granted to city council staff to protect them from his repeated abuse.
Now, it's not niced to be picked on, but you also can't take a dump on the floor at City Hall. Although, that would be an interesting way to protest a parking ticket.
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