One Super Bowl star is facing some heat for using a banned substance. That player? Ray Lewis. What is that substance, you say?
According to the New York Daily News, "the story dates back to October, 2012, when Lewis allegedly called the makers of the extra spray — which contains IGF-1, a banned substance — after tearing his triceps.
According to the report, Mitch Ross, owner of S.W.A.T.S - Sports with Alternatives to Steroids - taped a phone conversation where Lewis asked Ross for help, even telling him “just pile me up and send me everything you got.”
Lewis, of course, denied it."
That spray, was none other than deer antler extract, according to
this report.
Deer antler extract? For one, I don't get how someone decided to use it, much less ban it because of its performance-enhancing capabilities. How could that possibly hear a torn muscle faster? I just don't get it.