Monday, July 7, 2014

Self-serve Vending Machine

The Minnesota Twins have unveiled self-serve beer vending machines at Target Field, and will reportedly be adding a second for when the MLB All-Star Game comes to town later this month.

Apparently it's not going to take anyone's job either, because they're still going to use real live humans to check IDs, but it's still a little strange. And seems...unnecessary?

What was wrong with the way things were? Not to seem like a curmudgeon, but it was a pretty simple transaction to begin with. I hand person money, person pours me a beer. Everyone wins.

Here's my pros and cons list:

PRO: Can order the exact amount of beer you want, up to 48 oz every 15 minutes

CON: Waiting in a (probably long) line to get a beer

PRO: Hopefully the machine can figure out how to pour it perfectly

CON: It looks like you pull the handle yourself, and you're not good at pouring

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I remain unconvinced. Perhaps I'll need to go investigate myself. Say, for a day game some weekday?

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