Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just because you're famous...

I collect shot glasses. I have them from many of the cities I've been to in our great country, from Baltimore, Phoenix, Washington DC, North Carolina, etc. They look nice on my shelf and occasionally, I'll fill one with tequila and pour it down my gullet. Generally speaking, the shot glasses range from $5 to $8 or so, depending how fancy they are, and I'm ok with popping a few bucks on a souvenir. But what the hell is this?

$950 for a shot glass? Are you kidding me? Apparently "goop" is the website that Gwenyth Paltrow started, that, according to the website, "is a digital media and e-commerce company founded by Gwyneth the fall of 2008 to share all of life's positives." Does she realize that the cost of that paycheck is like two weeks of work for me? How is spending almost $1000 on a shot glass one of life's positives? Just because you're famous and can afford stuff like this doesn't mean everyone else can. Or anyone else can. I've talked about my love for Gwenyth, especially in the Iron Man movies, but that was before I knew about "goop." Do people really pay this much for stuff? 

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